How Long Does it Take to Lose Belly Fat? What is Your Waist Circumference?

If you are wondering how long does it take to lose belly fat with exercise, you should consider a few things. Firstly, you should have the desire to lose weight, and secondly, you need to have some dedication. Staying motivated is one of the most difficult parts especially if you do not have the right information or motivation to begin with. When I was losing weight, I used to ask myself how long does it take to lose belly fat? At first, I thought that answering this question meant that I would have to exercise for an eternity!

After awhile, I came to know that I had lost a significant amount of weight despite having a sedentary lifestyle. The reason for this was because my body was burning calories at a much higher rate than usual. To find out more about this subject, read the next paragraph carefully. There are two types of calories-some which come from food, and some which come from our own body stores.

How long does it take to get a flat stomach then? We have already established that losing weight takes time. Now we shall address how long does it take to develop a flat stomach after losing weight. Most people think that once you get your abs to look flat, you are done with your weight loss efforts. Nothing could be further from the truth. There is always more to losing weight than simply getting a flat stomach.

We must consider the second part of the equation-establishing a calorie deficit. A Calorie deficit is essentially your body's need for energy. Once you get your belly to look flat, you will need to burn off some of the excess fat around your midsection. You can do this through proper cardiovascular exercises, and intense fat loss workout programs. In order to do both, you must be on a proper diet.

What is the best way to establish a calorie deficit? The best way is to simply cut your caloric intake by twenty percent. That sounds pretty difficult, but if you do the math, it becomes easy. By cutting out all those unhealthy calories, you can expect to lose around one pound a week. That may not sound like much, but in a month or so, you should be losing up to three pounds a week-not too shabby!

Once you have your calorie deficit established, you will need to eat more to make up for the shortfall. You do not want to go overboard-you do not want to starve yourself! What you do want to do, however, is to eat enough so that your body's systems begin to work harder to burn off the calories. When you are in a calorie deficit, the body uses up its resources in order to provide your body with food. When you eat more, the body naturally goes back to burning fat for fuel.

If you do not burn enough calories, or your metabolism has slowed, you will have to burn more to make up for the shortfall. If you want to know how long does it take to lose belly fat, you need to start using interval training exercises. Interval training increases your metabolic rate, while at the same time, keeping your heart rate elevated. When your metabolism keeps up with it, your body naturally holds onto fat for energy. When you are exercising intensely, your body cannot hold onto that fat for long.

So how long does it take to lose belly fat? Well, based on your age, your level of fitness, and your current weight, your optimal calorie deficit must be met. It takes about four months to lose an average size man. However, if you are extremely out of shape, it may take longer. Be sure to keep an eye on your weight, and your waist circumference as you progress.


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